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About me

Academic background

By training I am a physicist. All my academic education took place at the Georg-August Universität Göttingen. First I studied mathematics and theoretical physics up to the Vordiplom. After that I studied English literature and History for one and a half years. I then continued my physics studies, finishing that with a Diplom in theoretical astrophysics. Having obtained my diplom I began to study biophysics with emphasis on protein crystallography. These studies I finished with a Ph.D. and subsequently engaged in academic and industrial research in this field for about 20 years, in Germany, the USA and Japan.

Computing background

Since I was a teenager I always had great interest in computers. As a teenager I took a correspondence course about programing Hollerith machines. From the first semester I took classes in programming, initially Algol-60, Fortran and Univac assembler. The code for my diploma thesis was my first larger project and amounted to roughly 2,000 lines of Fortran on punched cards and some assembler routines. I have written software during all my career, initially in Fortran, later in C, C++, CUDA, Javascript, OpenCL and Python. I also have great interest in visualization and user interface, using OpenGL, OpenCV, Qt and the Qt wrappers PyQt and PySide for Python.

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Arno Pähler - Brief Summary


Here you find information about myself, my academic and professional background, about projects I have engaged in and about my professional interests and skills as a software developer. Click on my image for more info.

The site was created with Microsoft's Web Matrix 3 and uses Javascript extensively. The Javascript frameworks that I worked with are jQuery, AngularJS, Bootstrap, jQueryUI and node.js. Javascript and CSS files loaded are stored locally on arnopaehler.de and no cookies are set by this site.

NOTE: This is still work in progress. Please, excuse the unprofessional landing page.The landing page background shows a tiled image of a Hubble image of part of the sky.


By training I am a physicist. All my academic education took place at the Georg-August Universität Göttingen. I first studied mathematics and theoretical physics up to the Vordiplom. After that I studied English literature and History for one and a half years. I continued my physics studies, finishing with a Diplom in theoretical astrophysics. The background that you see is a tiled repeat of part of the sky as seen by the Hubble space telescope.


Currently, since, 2006, I work as a self-employed software developer. My primary programming languages are C++, Python, CUDA and OpenCL. Graphics frameworks and tools that I have used in projects are Qt and OpenGL. My favorite language is Python, but I have also many years of experience using C++, up to the current C++11 standard, CUDA and OpenCL I have used successfully for my own and for customer projects. Recently I became interested in web site development and grew fond of Javascript. The web site you are visiting I designed myself with HTML 5, CSS 3, Javascript, jQuery and Bootstrap. Some simple demos also use Angular and jQueryUI.